Integrating a range of therapies, customized to alleviate pain, treat injuries and promote optimal health.



We truly understand how frustrating it can be when you are not at your best.


Having our fair share of aches, pains and injuries from running over the years, we aim to assist others in treating their injuries or pain and help them in their recovery journey.


Formed in 2021, we are always looking to integrate new treatments and therapies into our practice. We also believe that continued learning is important for any good therapists, in order to serve our clients.



1. Reduces Pain & Inflammation

By releasing tension in the muscles that surround and attach to the joints, massage improves mobility and reduces pain. It also promotes natural lubrication in the joints and improves general health.

2. Promotes Blood Circulation

Massage increases blood flow to the muscles, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and removing of metabolic waste products.

3. Decreases Muscle Tension

Massage strokes helps to increase temperature of the soft tissues, which improves tissue elasticity, and promote muscle relaxation.

4. Aids Relaxation

With the improvement in blood circulation due to the physical manipulation of soft tissues, positive hormones (serotonin, dopamine and endorphins) are released as a part of your body's response to relaxation.

5. Improves Sleep

Not only will massage help to feel good, sleep will also improve due to less pain and a boost in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that induces calm feelings.




The treatment is suitable for both sports people and non-athletes alike and can also help relieve many day to day problems such as repetitive strain injury, sprains, work related tension and fatigue.


Sports massage can be used to treat musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. This treatment extends outside of sports-related injuries, so anyone that suffers an injury caused by physical exertion or musculoskeletal condition can benefit.

Sports massage may be able to treat:

  • Pain in the shoulders, back, knees or neck 
  • Injuries in muscles, ligaments or tendons
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow 
  • Runner’s knee

As this is not a conclusive list, if you are suffering from an injury, you may wish to seek medical advice prior.


“Booked a sports massage with several severe issues with shoulders, calf & tendons. She didn't rush into it, rather took time to find out what exactly were my complain areas, frequency & intensity of pain.

Was surprised that she found the calf & tendon issues to be somewhat caused by my VMO muscle that had been overused due to an old meniscus injury. Managed to loosen the muscle for me. Her trigger point therapy on my calf worked wonders too. The shoulder pain is a lot better now after she kneaded out the knots.

Definitely need & will take more sessions. Also helped provide exercise recommendations for the target areas.

Wonderful therapist who was able to tackle both sports & desk work issues.”

MS, Trail Runner, 50 years old

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